The Transgender Companion, THE MUST HAVE guide for all TG women, from CD to TS,
In life, we have to many times teach people how to train us. If someone is abusing us or not treating us right, we may have to take a stand and tell them, treat me this way. As a transgendered woman, this takes on an added layer, as you will find that many people do not really understand who you are, and don't know how to treat you or address you.
They may call you "him" or "sir" and not realize even they are insulting you. They might be doing it on purpose to insult you, of course, but sometimes they aren't. They might think of you as a man in a dress. That may be ok for you, or that may not. IF it is not, you might have to say, I am a woman, not a man. Please treat me as such. Or if they call your Sir, say, "it's Maam", calmly, but firmly and then continue the conversation or move on.
This has been something I have struggled with quite a bit. People seem to like to make digs sometimes. I was working a few weeks ago, and this one coworker who doesn't seem to like me too much, kept calling me "he" very loudly, almost as if to make a point. Now there were a bunch of people around, so I just kind of turned red and blew it off. To me, I felt like I'd be calling more attention to it if I said something. But I felt hurt and kind of insulted. Looking back, I think I should have just taken a stand and firmly said, "it is she, thank you very much" and stood firm. That is a case of teaching someone I have to deal with on a daily basis (almost) how to treat me. The next time he does that I will. And also, I have found that he is being more nice to me now. Sometimes it just takes some time for people to get to know you as a person. They've never met a transsexual, and are perhaps a bit uncomfortable or unknowledgable at first, and you can do your own little "bit of good" by just being yourself and showing them another side of a transgendered person.
As a waitress, I deal with a lot of people. Most people call me maam and she, etc. But I do have a night sometimes where people seem to like to call me "Sir". And I think, do I LOOK like a Sir. I have even asked, and people have said, no, not at all. But this goes back to not worrying about passability to the point of extreme. It is extremely difficult to live completely in stealth as there are always people who can tell, no matter how passable you are or how much surgery you have had. Look at all the tgirls that have lived in stealth over the years, and then somebody finds out (see to read some of these stories). However, for the most part, nobody knows, which, to me, is living in stealth. You just don't want to feel bad if somebody does know or find out. Be proud of who you are.
Back to my original story. I have decided that as I am dealing with massive numbers of people as a server, maybe I can do a little "soft" education, by just politely saying "it is maam" and then continuing taking their order. That isn't rude to tell people that. If you mispronounce somebody's name, they certainly correct you. This is along the same lines.
However, if someone were to call me "sir" in a busy checkout lane, I might not bother correcting them as I will never see them again, and making an issue of it would just call attention to me in a busy checkout line.
Now, I am very rarely called "Sir" or "he" anymore, but it does happen sometimes. It is something that can bother me still, but I am learning to strike a happy balance between not letting it bother me, and also taking a stand to tell people how to address me. I think it is something we all as transgendered people have to deal with. As a crossdresser, you may not mind being called he, or even prefer it. Each person is different. Whatever you want to be called is just fine. Just let people know that is all. You have that right!!!!!
I hope this helps!!!!!
For more practical advice and step by step guidance on transitioning, go to and order “The Transgender Companion” today! FREE excerpt included on the web site.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Suicide Help
Today I received an email from a friend telling me of a suicide of one of the woman in the support group she belongs too. It made me feel very sad. I know that there are many transgendered people that do have suicidal feelings at times. It is hard to be so different. To feel so uncomfortable in your own skin. To feel scared of losing your family and friends. Of being made fun of. Of sinning perhaps. Etc. The worst thing is, most transgendered people suffer alone. There is nobody to talk to. Many of us live with this for years. Nobody knows what is happening inside of us. It can be a lonely life for sure.
I want to maybe share some insights that might help you if you are feeling this way.
First off, just remember, you did not pick feeling the way you feel. Whether that is a man who likes to crossdress, a gay feminine male, or a full-fledged transsexual female who feels trapped in a man’s body and wants to transition. Or whatever else you may feel or be. You just “are”. Ok? You didn’t DO anything. You are not a “bad” person for just “being”.
Second, we cannot control everybody’s reactions. If people have a problem with you, you know what. It really isn’t your issue. It is theirs. I don’t mean that in a mean or unsympathetic way. It is just that if they react badly to you, it is really about their own priorities or wishes for you or issues in general that they have. But they do not have to actually LIVE your life. YOU DO. And you have the right to do that. In fact, you should.
Also just remember that people’s initial reactions are not always their ultimate reactions. People rejected me at first, and then came around to be very supportive. They just needed to understand me better. So just keep that in mind.
Also if people are mean to you or reject you, well then they are not very empowering people to you. You do not need them in your life then. You deserve to have accepting, loving people. These people have the right to their reactions, but you have the right to love yourself enough to remove yourself from their presence and find supportive people.
Third, we really are all made so unique and special. T he sad thing is, the world doesn’t get to see or experience the real “us” so many times because we suppress things. Think if Mozart hadn’t expressed his musical talent because his parents wanted him to be a farmer. What a loss to the world! What Think if Abraham Lincoln had become a banker instead of pursuing politics because that was easier. What if Oprah had decided that it was easier to be poor than break free and become one of the most influential women in America? How would the world be different?
The thing is, so many of us (ts or not), repress our true selves and desires. And I think that is a loss to the world. You are somebody VERY special, just because you are who you are. Don’t deny the world that! You just being yourself might give somebody else courage to be themselves. You might open up some minds just by being you.
You deserve to live your life. You are not doing this to hurt anybody. If people reject you, there will be multiple others who will support you, for everyone who rejects you. Believe that and it is true.
Just remember, there is always somebody to talk to. If you are feeling suicidal, CALL SOMEBODY. Please! You deserve to live. You are so special. Call a suicide hotline. Call your therapist if you have one. Call a sympathetic friend. Call a TG support group. “Laura’s Playground” is a web site with a chat room and support for TG suicidal people, along with many TG resources. Go to to learn more and get support that way if you need it.
If nothing else, just wait a day. Things can seem so bad, and if you wait a day or a month or a year, the problem can change and seem totally resolved or “not so bad”. Give yourself that time delay. Things can get better.
Perhaps you haven’t started doing anything yet (dressing, transitioning, exploring your sexual feelings, whatever it may be). Or perhaps you have. Just love yourself for who you are and what you are feeling. Allow yourself to explore it. If you just take a baby step, and then another, you will probably find it is not so scary after all, and in fact you may start to feel braver and more empowered!
I would also like to say, that a transition (whatever that is for you) can be a very FUN and ENJOYABLE process. It is not all heartache, unless you think it has to be that way. You get to be you. You get to do things you've always wanted to. Don't forget that! Focus on the positives, the fun stuff, the end goal, self acceptance, loving yourself, and finding great supportive friends (there are thousands and thousands out there!). Think of the FUN and the JOY of being you more than you do the troubles and the troubles will melt away or seem not so bad anymore. TRUST ME, this works!
Remember, you are a SPECIAL PERSON. You are a special gift to the world as you are. Don’t take that away from the world! YOU ARE GREAT!
Your TS sister,
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
For help in finding yourself and learning how you can feel better about yourself and be the woman you want to be in a positive, healthy and happy way, buy "The Transgender Companion", available at
I want to maybe share some insights that might help you if you are feeling this way.
First off, just remember, you did not pick feeling the way you feel. Whether that is a man who likes to crossdress, a gay feminine male, or a full-fledged transsexual female who feels trapped in a man’s body and wants to transition. Or whatever else you may feel or be. You just “are”. Ok? You didn’t DO anything. You are not a “bad” person for just “being”.
Second, we cannot control everybody’s reactions. If people have a problem with you, you know what. It really isn’t your issue. It is theirs. I don’t mean that in a mean or unsympathetic way. It is just that if they react badly to you, it is really about their own priorities or wishes for you or issues in general that they have. But they do not have to actually LIVE your life. YOU DO. And you have the right to do that. In fact, you should.
Also just remember that people’s initial reactions are not always their ultimate reactions. People rejected me at first, and then came around to be very supportive. They just needed to understand me better. So just keep that in mind.
Also if people are mean to you or reject you, well then they are not very empowering people to you. You do not need them in your life then. You deserve to have accepting, loving people. These people have the right to their reactions, but you have the right to love yourself enough to remove yourself from their presence and find supportive people.
Third, we really are all made so unique and special. T he sad thing is, the world doesn’t get to see or experience the real “us” so many times because we suppress things. Think if Mozart hadn’t expressed his musical talent because his parents wanted him to be a farmer. What a loss to the world! What Think if Abraham Lincoln had become a banker instead of pursuing politics because that was easier. What if Oprah had decided that it was easier to be poor than break free and become one of the most influential women in America? How would the world be different?
The thing is, so many of us (ts or not), repress our true selves and desires. And I think that is a loss to the world. You are somebody VERY special, just because you are who you are. Don’t deny the world that! You just being yourself might give somebody else courage to be themselves. You might open up some minds just by being you.
You deserve to live your life. You are not doing this to hurt anybody. If people reject you, there will be multiple others who will support you, for everyone who rejects you. Believe that and it is true.
Just remember, there is always somebody to talk to. If you are feeling suicidal, CALL SOMEBODY. Please! You deserve to live. You are so special. Call a suicide hotline. Call your therapist if you have one. Call a sympathetic friend. Call a TG support group. “Laura’s Playground” is a web site with a chat room and support for TG suicidal people, along with many TG resources. Go to to learn more and get support that way if you need it.
If nothing else, just wait a day. Things can seem so bad, and if you wait a day or a month or a year, the problem can change and seem totally resolved or “not so bad”. Give yourself that time delay. Things can get better.
Perhaps you haven’t started doing anything yet (dressing, transitioning, exploring your sexual feelings, whatever it may be). Or perhaps you have. Just love yourself for who you are and what you are feeling. Allow yourself to explore it. If you just take a baby step, and then another, you will probably find it is not so scary after all, and in fact you may start to feel braver and more empowered!
I would also like to say, that a transition (whatever that is for you) can be a very FUN and ENJOYABLE process. It is not all heartache, unless you think it has to be that way. You get to be you. You get to do things you've always wanted to. Don't forget that! Focus on the positives, the fun stuff, the end goal, self acceptance, loving yourself, and finding great supportive friends (there are thousands and thousands out there!). Think of the FUN and the JOY of being you more than you do the troubles and the troubles will melt away or seem not so bad anymore. TRUST ME, this works!
Remember, you are a SPECIAL PERSON. You are a special gift to the world as you are. Don’t take that away from the world! YOU ARE GREAT!
Your TS sister,
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
For help in finding yourself and learning how you can feel better about yourself and be the woman you want to be in a positive, healthy and happy way, buy "The Transgender Companion", available at
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Everybody Has Their Insecurities
The Transgender Companion, THE MUST HAVE guide for all TG women, from CD to TS,
I got to thinking this morning that it we all tend to look at other people, especially people who are better looking or more successful or in a better relationship or whatever it is we want and they seem to have, and think they have it all together and we're inferior somehow.
However, I think we forget or perhaps do not realize that everybody, including those people, have their own insecurities and challenges.
I was a late bloomer. Consequently, I still think of myself as the ugly duckling many times. People compliment me and I still discount it in my head sometimes. I realize I look nice now, but I still have my days when I look in the mirror and I think "BLECH! I look so awful!". We all have our days we're down on ourselves - me included.
We all tend to be harder on ourselves and our looks than other people are. Just realize that. Nobody is micro-analyzing that small pimple on your face or that hair out of place like you are. In fact, most people aren't even noticing it! So just remind yourself o fthat if you ever find yourself being hard on yourself for your looks or comparing yourself to other people in that department.
Also realize that it is a lot of pressure to be perfect looking all the time. Those people must have to be constantly obsessed about maintaining their looks, and while we all like to look nice, there is more to life than that. Sometimes, it's nice to be average and not have that pressure. I bet a lot of perfect looking people are rather insecure about their looks and put a lot of pressure on themselves. No wonder there are people addicted to plastic surgery.
Just realize, we're not our looks. Everybody has their strengths and their qualities they're not as happy about. You're just perfect as you are. It all evens out. Successful people might not have the relationship they want. People in the right relationship might not like their career. People with great hair might not like their body. Etc. Do you see what I'm saying? Everybody is insecure about some things.
For more practical advice and step by step guidance on transitioning, go to and order “The Transgender Companion” today! FREE excerpt included on the web site.
I got to thinking this morning that it we all tend to look at other people, especially people who are better looking or more successful or in a better relationship or whatever it is we want and they seem to have, and think they have it all together and we're inferior somehow.
However, I think we forget or perhaps do not realize that everybody, including those people, have their own insecurities and challenges.
I was a late bloomer. Consequently, I still think of myself as the ugly duckling many times. People compliment me and I still discount it in my head sometimes. I realize I look nice now, but I still have my days when I look in the mirror and I think "BLECH! I look so awful!". We all have our days we're down on ourselves - me included.
We all tend to be harder on ourselves and our looks than other people are. Just realize that. Nobody is micro-analyzing that small pimple on your face or that hair out of place like you are. In fact, most people aren't even noticing it! So just remind yourself o fthat if you ever find yourself being hard on yourself for your looks or comparing yourself to other people in that department.
Also realize that it is a lot of pressure to be perfect looking all the time. Those people must have to be constantly obsessed about maintaining their looks, and while we all like to look nice, there is more to life than that. Sometimes, it's nice to be average and not have that pressure. I bet a lot of perfect looking people are rather insecure about their looks and put a lot of pressure on themselves. No wonder there are people addicted to plastic surgery.
Just realize, we're not our looks. Everybody has their strengths and their qualities they're not as happy about. You're just perfect as you are. It all evens out. Successful people might not have the relationship they want. People in the right relationship might not like their career. People with great hair might not like their body. Etc. Do you see what I'm saying? Everybody is insecure about some things.
For more practical advice and step by step guidance on transitioning, go to and order “The Transgender Companion” today! FREE excerpt included on the web site.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Sexuality Labels
The Transgender Companion, THE MUST HAVE guide for all TG women, from CD to TS,
Today I'd like to just touch a bit on sexuality and transgenderism.
Sexuality labels can be a confusing area for a lot of people, including tg women, admirers, and people outside the TG community. I want to be a woman. Does this make me gay? Or for male admirers. They may consider themselves gay or straight or bi or be very confused as to what their attraction means, sexuality wise.
First off, it is important to realize that gender identity is different from sexual orientation. This can get confusing I realize. Some cd's are very feminine gay men, but they have no desire to BECOME a woman. They enjoy dressing up and the sexual aspect, and that is just fine. These one would still classify as gay. (For the record, NO offense is meant by any terms here at all. Everybody is just fine. I am not trying to mislabel anybody. IN fact, I am trying to get across that labels are pretty tough to define as people have different meanings for lables, depending on their understand and experience.)
Then there are TS women who are transitioning or are already living as a woman. They may be attracted to men and consider themselves straight (since they identify as female). Or they may be attracted to women and/or TS woman and consider themselves "gay" (or a lesbian).
However, people looking in from the outside who do not understand what a transsexual is (and many don't, which is understandable), may still consider a ts gay as they consider her a "man". Then if they find out she is attracted to women, they may really get confused. They'll wonder, why is she transitioning? Is she gay or straight? Do you see how confusing this label thing can get?
This is a key point actually. One transitions in order to be one's true gender self, not to get dates or for sexual reasons. One's gender identity is separate from one's sexual orientation.
Then there is the question of people who are attracted to transsexuals. For example, a man may have always considered himself straight and then finds he is attracted to transgendered women - very much so. Does this make him gay, bi or straight? I say, maybe all. It all depends on your point of view. But I think the key for him is how does he view the TG woman he is with. Does he view her as a woman and treat her as such all the time? Then I would consider him straight. Does he consider her a combination of the "best of both worlds" and is perhaps mainly attracted to women, but also to very feminine men? I would consider him "bi". Does he consider a TG woman a very feminine gay male? Then I would consider him "gay". I think the key is what is going on in his head and how does he view the TG, as I said - as a woman, best of both worlds woman, or a man. Outside people may view him as "gay". Or straight. Once again, I think it gets down to how they view a TG (at least the specific person involved) - as a woman or a man (albeit a feminine one).
When it gets down to it, the label doesn't matter so much. You like what you like. It's not something you can really pick. Don't worry about the label. However you consider yourself (i.e. straight, bi or gay) is just fine. You have found the gender that attracts you (i.e. TS) so just enjoy that. You have the right to pursue that.
The same advice goes for all the TG women. Don't worry too much about your sexuality label. However you consider yourself is fine. And just remember that your gender identity is separate from your sexuality label, although they can go together or seem similar at times.
AS a little extra tip in regards to dating, don't worry TOO Much about what sexual orientation a man (or woman, if that is the case) calls him (or herself )who wants to date you. Instead, look at how he treats you. If he is treating you and viewing you as you want (e.g. as a woman at all times) , then that is all you want.
I hope this helps! Have a great day everybody!
Jennifer :-)
For more practical advice and step by step guidance on transitioning, go to and order “The Transgender Companion” today! FREE excerpt included on the web site.
Today I'd like to just touch a bit on sexuality and transgenderism.
Sexuality labels can be a confusing area for a lot of people, including tg women, admirers, and people outside the TG community. I want to be a woman. Does this make me gay? Or for male admirers. They may consider themselves gay or straight or bi or be very confused as to what their attraction means, sexuality wise.
First off, it is important to realize that gender identity is different from sexual orientation. This can get confusing I realize. Some cd's are very feminine gay men, but they have no desire to BECOME a woman. They enjoy dressing up and the sexual aspect, and that is just fine. These one would still classify as gay. (For the record, NO offense is meant by any terms here at all. Everybody is just fine. I am not trying to mislabel anybody. IN fact, I am trying to get across that labels are pretty tough to define as people have different meanings for lables, depending on their understand and experience.)
Then there are TS women who are transitioning or are already living as a woman. They may be attracted to men and consider themselves straight (since they identify as female). Or they may be attracted to women and/or TS woman and consider themselves "gay" (or a lesbian).
However, people looking in from the outside who do not understand what a transsexual is (and many don't, which is understandable), may still consider a ts gay as they consider her a "man". Then if they find out she is attracted to women, they may really get confused. They'll wonder, why is she transitioning? Is she gay or straight? Do you see how confusing this label thing can get?
This is a key point actually. One transitions in order to be one's true gender self, not to get dates or for sexual reasons. One's gender identity is separate from one's sexual orientation.
Then there is the question of people who are attracted to transsexuals. For example, a man may have always considered himself straight and then finds he is attracted to transgendered women - very much so. Does this make him gay, bi or straight? I say, maybe all. It all depends on your point of view. But I think the key for him is how does he view the TG woman he is with. Does he view her as a woman and treat her as such all the time? Then I would consider him straight. Does he consider her a combination of the "best of both worlds" and is perhaps mainly attracted to women, but also to very feminine men? I would consider him "bi". Does he consider a TG woman a very feminine gay male? Then I would consider him "gay". I think the key is what is going on in his head and how does he view the TG, as I said - as a woman, best of both worlds woman, or a man. Outside people may view him as "gay". Or straight. Once again, I think it gets down to how they view a TG (at least the specific person involved) - as a woman or a man (albeit a feminine one).
When it gets down to it, the label doesn't matter so much. You like what you like. It's not something you can really pick. Don't worry about the label. However you consider yourself (i.e. straight, bi or gay) is just fine. You have found the gender that attracts you (i.e. TS) so just enjoy that. You have the right to pursue that.
The same advice goes for all the TG women. Don't worry too much about your sexuality label. However you consider yourself is fine. And just remember that your gender identity is separate from your sexuality label, although they can go together or seem similar at times.
AS a little extra tip in regards to dating, don't worry TOO Much about what sexual orientation a man (or woman, if that is the case) calls him (or herself )who wants to date you. Instead, look at how he treats you. If he is treating you and viewing you as you want (e.g. as a woman at all times) , then that is all you want.
I hope this helps! Have a great day everybody!
Jennifer :-)
For more practical advice and step by step guidance on transitioning, go to and order “The Transgender Companion” today! FREE excerpt included on the web site.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Don't let the "Meanies" Get to You
The Transgender Companion, THE MUST HAVE guide for all TG women, from CD to TS,
I’m learning a lot about people with this part time serving job. In a restaurant, you meet ALL kinds of people. The bulk are nice. But you do get some people that are rather cranky or snobby or just seem to want to throw around their weight sometimes.
We all encounter these negative people in life. Perhaps a bit more frequently when we’re dealing with the public all the time, but I think I’ve come to learn that usually when people are being cranky with you, it’s nothing to do with you. They probably had a bad day at the office or there are marital problems at home, or money problems or who knows what.
Sometimes it is a defense mechanism too. Who knows what their childhood was like, what kind of criticism they got, or social training. We all kind of get formed the way we are. Yes we can change that and be a nice person by choice, but people do the best that they can with the resources they have.
SO the next time somebody is a jerk to you – maybe about your transgenderism – just remind yourself that that is all about their own internal issues or problems, and it’s not you. Try to not take it personally. Just thumb your nose internally at them, and say silently, “It’s not me. They are just having a bad day or have their own issues.”
For more practical advice and step by step guidance on transitioning, go to and order “The Transgender Companion” today! FREE excerpt included on the web site.
I’m learning a lot about people with this part time serving job. In a restaurant, you meet ALL kinds of people. The bulk are nice. But you do get some people that are rather cranky or snobby or just seem to want to throw around their weight sometimes.
We all encounter these negative people in life. Perhaps a bit more frequently when we’re dealing with the public all the time, but I think I’ve come to learn that usually when people are being cranky with you, it’s nothing to do with you. They probably had a bad day at the office or there are marital problems at home, or money problems or who knows what.
Sometimes it is a defense mechanism too. Who knows what their childhood was like, what kind of criticism they got, or social training. We all kind of get formed the way we are. Yes we can change that and be a nice person by choice, but people do the best that they can with the resources they have.
SO the next time somebody is a jerk to you – maybe about your transgenderism – just remind yourself that that is all about their own internal issues or problems, and it’s not you. Try to not take it personally. Just thumb your nose internally at them, and say silently, “It’s not me. They are just having a bad day or have their own issues.”
For more practical advice and step by step guidance on transitioning, go to and order “The Transgender Companion” today! FREE excerpt included on the web site.
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